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Empowered Changemakers (SRC)

Age Group:
Student Leadership Body / Youth Council
Number of Students:
Up to 50 students
Program Length:
Two day workshop
Core Themes:
Leadership, resilience, flexibility, relationships and wellbeing
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This two-day workshop will provide student leadership groups with the solid foundations for success. We focussing on developing trust, clear channels of communication, and a shared vision of the team to enhance their capacity for collaborative work. We challenge groups to take a new approach to issues they see in their schools and communities, and to develop a problem-solving skillset that enables them to respond quickly and effectively to complex challenges they face as leaders and youth representatives. Students will be guided through the process of identifying and creating a plan for a student-led initiative creating positive impact, and will build self-confidence and self-awareness to step into their roles as leaders, but also to be strong leaders within themselves, guiding themselves steadily towards their futures.

This program has the following objectives:

  • Designed to provide the student leadership team with the skills to lead their school and community
  • Explore the power of teamwork and collaboration to deepen the relationships and trust within the team
  • Empower students to take ownership of their own goals and responsibilities
  • Challenge students to think critically to solve problems within their own lives, and your school and community
  • Develop strong team goals, vision and values that drive the team forward and can be felt throughout the wider community
  • Build self-confidence and resilience to be able to tackle problems on a personal level as well as macro-scale in the community
  • Provide students with mentorship and guidance to develop their own student-led initiative

All workshops have the following key YLAA outcomes:

  • Students participate in an experiential, learner-centred workshop
  • Small and large group debriefs facilitate building group consensus surrounding which direction students would like the workshop to lead into 
  • A welcoming space of emotional safety and understanding is created, facilitating an environment where students feel comfortable sharing with the group
  • Programs are delivered in with a sustainable approach in mind considering both impact and environment

Additional Note: This program was designed and developed following consultation and recommendations provided by YLAA's Youth Advisory Board - As our organisation continues to evolve, we want to make sure that we continue to represent and empower the voices of youth in their own affairs, that’s why we have created our first Youth Advisory Board - not only to ensure that our students’ interests are at the core of every aspect of our organisation, but also to give the young people we serve the opportunity to develop themselves personally, whilst contributing to our mission of ensuring a sustainable future for all youth.

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